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String properties and transformations

The purpose of this plugin is return string properties and some transformations as upper case, etc.


This node requires configuration.

You have to provide a path to string that needs to be transformed.

  "string": "[email protected]"

Input payload

This node does not process input payload.


This plugin returns an object with transformed string and all its properties such as: isdigit, isupper, etc.

Available properties and transformations

  • capitalize - Converts the first character to upper case
  • casefold - Converts string into lower case
  • isalnum - Returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric
  • isalpha - Returns True if all characters in the string are in the alphabet
  • isascii - Returns True if all characters in the string are ascii characters
  • isdecimal - Returns True if all characters in the string are decimals
  • isdigit - Returns True if all characters in the string are digits
  • isidentifier - Returns True if the string is an identifier
  • islower - Returns True if all characters in the string are lower case
  • isnumeric - Returns True if all characters in the string are numeric
  • isprintable - Returns True if all characters in the string are printable
  • isspace - Returns True if all characters in the string are whitespaces
  • istitle - Returns True if the string follows the rules of a title
  • isupper - Returns True if all characters in the string are upper case
  • lstrip - Returns a left trim version of the string
  • swapcase - Swaps cases, lower case becomes upper case and vice ver sa
  • title - Converts the first character of each word to upper case
  • upper - Converts a string into upper case
  • lower - Converts a string into lower case



    "capitalize": "1",
    "casefold": "1",
    "encode": "1",
    "isalnum": true,
    "isalpha": false,
    "isascii": true,
    "isdecimal": true
    "isdigit": true,
    "isidentifier": false,
    "islower": false,
    "isnumeric": true,
    "isprintable": true,
    "isspace": false,
    "istitle": false,
    "isupper": false,
    "lower": "1",
    "lstrip": "1",
    "swapcase": "1",
    "title": "1",
    "upper": "1"