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Data to JSON

This plugin allows conversion of data objects into a JSON string.



The Data to JSON plugin takes the data from the payload's input port (which is in dictionary format), then using a provided reference path, it serializes the data into a JSON string. The processing takes place in the run method of the plugin.

First, the payload is passed to the run method. Here, the plugin uses the get_dot_accessor method to access the data referenced by the path provided in the configuration. This path enables the plugin to reach into the payload's nested structure and find the needed values.

Afterward, the found data is serialized into a JSON string. This process converts dictionary data into a string format that is easily readable and transferable.

The JSON string is then returned, ready to be passed to the next plugin in the workflow.

Inputs and Outputs

This plugin has a single input port - "payload", and a single output port - "payload".

The input port accepts a payload object that contains the data to be passed to the plugin.

The output of the plugin is a JSON string of the data referenced by the given path in the payload.


The configuration for this plugin has one parameter:

  • "to_json": It's the reference path to data that will be processed by this plugin. This path should be a string in dot notation, which represents the location of the desired data in the workflow's internal state. The plugin then follows this path to find the data to be serialized into JSON. For example, if we have to_json = "[email protected]", the plugin will access the boughtProducts properties under the counters object in the stats object of the profile.

JSON Configuration

Below is an example of a configuration for the Data to JSON plugin:

  "to_json": "[email protected]"

Required resources

This plugin does not require external resources to be configured.


No predefined errors are emitted by this plugin. If an error occurs, it will be due to issues with loading the payload, accessing the data on the given path, or converting the data into a JSON string.