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Part 3. Data reference and resource in plugins

In the third part of the tutorial, we will learn how to use data references, how to use resources and how to connect to external services. We will extend our plugin with the following functionality.

The plugin needs to send the user defined data to be sent to user defined API. We will also have to extend our form with the above data (data, and API endpoint).

Let's get started

Often when coding a plugin, we want to use the data defined by the user. For example, the user references some data from the internal state of the workflow that he wants to an external API. To do this he uses so-called dot notation. Dot notation is a way of specifying the location of the data. It looks like this.


This is a working example:

It means get the data from the event from its A full description of all sources and how the data reference works can be found here.

In this tutorial we are interested in how to use this entry and retrieve data, and how to put a field in the form that will require a dot notation entry.

Data reference

Let's start with the form. To add a new field to the form we will use the dotPath component and in the form / FromGroup / FormFields section we will add the following code:

FormField (
   id = "data",
   name = "Data to send",
   description = "Please provide data to send",
   component = FormComponent (type = "dotPath", props = {"label": "Data to send"})

This way we get:

form = Form(groups=[
        name="Event type plugin configuration",
        description="Define required event type",
                id="event_type", name="Event type",
                description="Event type to check",
                component=FormComponent(type="text", props={"label": "Event type"})),
                name="Data to send",
                description="Please provide data to send",
                component=FormComponent(type="dotPath", props={"label": "Data to send"})

With this, we will get a field of this type in the form.

Dot path form field

Then we need to extend init in register function with a data field and extend an object that will store the data and verify its correctness at the same time.

So I would add to init:

init = {
  "event_type": "",
  "data": ""

and add to the Configuration object:

class Configuration(PluginConfig):
    event_type: str
    data: str

    def must_not_be_empty(cls, value):
        if len(value) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Event type can not be empty.")
        return value

    @validator("data")  # (1)
    def data_must_not_be_empty(cls, value):
        if len(value) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Data can not be empty. ")
        return value
  1. Validates the data property. It is defined as string, but it may not be empty string

We have configuration data, now it's time to read data entered in the form and read data from dot notation.

We do it as follows:

In the run method:

async def run(self, payload: dict, in_edge=None):
    dot = self._get_dot_accessor(payload)  # (1)
    data_to_send = dot[]  # (2)

    if self.event.type == self.config.event_type:
        return Result(port="MyEvent", value=data_to_send)
        return Result(port="NotMyEvent", value={})
  1. Get the DotAccessor object that will convert the dot notation to the data.
  2. Convert anything that is defined in to the real data from the workflow and assign it to data_to_send


In many cases, it is necessary to link the plug-in to some resource. It can be e.g. a database, API, etc. Usually, such resources need login credentials. We don't want to keep them in a plugin as they can be used in many plugins. For this purpose, it is necessary to create a resource. The resource consists of credential data and sometimes a URL.

For example, let's add a functionality to our plugin that will send the data pointed by the user to the defined API (a resource).

For this purpose, we will create a resource that will have the following data

  "url": "api-url",
  "method": "api-method",
  "api_key": "api-key"

The resources are created in the tracardi/service/setup/ directory

We add the following code to the get_resource_types() function

    id="my-api-url",  # (1)
    name="Custom API URL",  # (2)
    icon="web",  # (3)
    tags=["api"],  # (4)
    config={  # (5)
        "url": "<api-url>",
        "method": "<api-method>",
        "api_key": "<api-key>"
    manual="custom_api_url_resource"  # (6)
  1. Resource Id. A unique string that identifies the resource.
  2. Resource name
  3. Resource icon.
  4. The tag that describes the resource. It is used to filter the resources in the plugin form.
  5. Resource configuration *.md file name containing documentation on how to get authorization data, e.g. when the resource is an external system.
  6. The documentation file is located in the tracardi-api/docs/resources directory

This is the set of data the system needs to add a resource. After restarting the server, we can click on Resources in the Tracardi GUI menu, then Add new resource and the list of resources will include Custom API URL. The resource we just created. The form will also include an object:

  "url": "<api-url>",
  "method": "<api-method>",
  "api_key": "<api-key>"

which we defined in the config property and which should be filled by the user.

Loading resource

Once we have a resource, we can load it in our plugin. We do this in the set_up method. We add the following two lines to the set_up method

from tracardi.service.domain import resource as resource_db

resource = await resource_db.load ( # (1)
self.credentials = resource.credentials.get_credentials (self, output = MyResourceConfig) # (2)
  1. Read resource id from Note the object config.resource must be defined in the config
  2. Get data for authorization (credentials), which is an object defined in ResourceSettings in the config property, and filled in by the user when creating the resource.

The first line reads the resource id from Note that we do not have such field in the config yet and we need to add it (we'll do it in a moment)

The second line reads credentials from the resource, i.e. the object that we defined in the config property of the ResourceSettings object above and a user filled when creating the resource.

The whole set_up method should look like this:

from tracardi.service.domain import resource as resource_db

class MyPlugin (ActionRunner):

    config: dict
    credentials: MyResourceConfig # (1)

    async def set_up (self, config):
      self.config = config
      resource = await resource_db.load (
      self.credentials = resource.credentials.get_credentials (self, output = MyResourceConfig)

    # (2)
  1. We have added the credentials' property of type MyResourceConfig. We'll have to define it yet.
  2. Rest of plugin code.

Validating the resource

We still have some parts missing. We need to validate the data from the resource and extend the configuration so that the user can select the appropriate resource in the form.

To verify the data from the resource and make it readable, we need to create the MyResourceConfig object. I named it in this line:

 self.credentials = resource.credentials.get_credentials(self, output=MyResourceConfig) # (1)
  1. See output = MyResourceConfig

In output=MyResourceConfig, I requested that the credentials loaded from the resource be in the form of a MyResourceConfig object. I don't have it yet, so let's create it. We usually store resource objects in the directory: tracardi/domain/resources

from pydantic import BaseModel, AnyHttpUrl
from typing import Optional 

class MyResourceConfig(BaseModel):
    url: AnyHttpUrl
    method: str
    api_key: Optional[str] = None


It must have the same schema as defined in config in ResourceSettings. Note that I defined url asAnyHttpUrl this means it can only accept a string that looks like a URL. On the other hand, api_key is of type Optional[str], which means that such a property may not be available or be None.

We already have an object, so we have to extend the plug-in configuration with the resource. The resource will be selected from the list of available resources, and it will be identified as the resource name and id.


  "id": "9bb2a926-b6ae-4cad-9b3c-9380ea7bfede",
  "name": "My API"

For this purpose, we will add a resource to the plug-in configuration, which, let me remind you, is in the register function under the init property.

It should look like this:

def register () -> Plugin:
    return Plugin (
        start = False,
        spec = Spec (
            module = __name__,
            className = MyPlugin.__name__,
            init = {
                "resource": {
                    "id": "",
                    "name": ""
                "event_type": "",
                "data": ""
            inputs = ["payload"],
            outputs = ["MyEvent", "NotMyEvent"],
            version = '0.1',
            license = "MIT",
            author = "Your Name"
        metadata = MetaData (
            name = "My first plugin",
            desc = 'Checks if the event type is equal to my-event.',
            group = ["Test plugin"]

We also need to extend the configuration validation object.

from tracardi.domain.named_entity import NamedEntity

class Configuration(PluginConfig):
    resource: NamedEntity # (1)
    event_type: str
    data: str

    def must_not_be_empty (cls, value):
        if len (value) == 0:
            raise ValueError ("Event type can not be empty.")
        return value

    def data_must_not_be_empty(cls, value):
        if len(value) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Data can not be empty. ")
        return value    
  1. NamedEntity is an object containing id and name. It is already defined in Tracardi.

Resource select field

It remains to add a field to the form that will allow user to select a resource from the list of defined resources. Remember that there may be different types of resources created in the system, so we need to filter them so that only those related to our plugin are on the list of resources.

This is done by pointing to the tag we defined in ResourceSettings. In our case it is api (tags=["api"]).

Now we have all the information. We must extend the form with the resource select field that displays available resources, so the user will be able to select one.

Please add this code to form in the register function.

    description="Select your API resource.",
    component=FormComponent(type="resource", props={"label": "API Resource", "tag": "api"})  # (1)
  1. Notice tag property equal to api

The form property should look like this.

form = Form(groups=[
        name="Event type plugin configuration",
        description="Define required event type",
                description="Select your API resource.",
                component=FormComponent(type="resource", props={"label": "API Resource", "tag": "api"})
                name="Event type",
                description="Event type to check",
                component=FormComponent(type="text", props={"label": "Event type"})  # 

Up till now:

  • We created a resource and resource validation object
  • Extended the configuration and validation of plugin initial configuration
  • Extended the plugin form with the resource select field.

The last part is connecting to the API


This will be described soon